Quarantine Confessions, Part 1
My pathetic quarantine reality, confessed
This whole quarantine, work-from-home, social-distancing phase has brought on a lot of stress, strange rituals and other coping behaviors in all of us. With that in mind, what follows are some of my own COVID-19 confessions, shamelessly shared as a sign that nothing you’re doing right now is too weird, either. We’re all doing our best to get by.
> I can’t stop buying stuff online, mostly clothes. My closet is already overflowing, but that hasn’t stopped me from purchasing new shoes, tops, dresses and other pieces, most of which I won’t even wear until this stupid pandemic is over. Not to mention, work-from-home had me buying an entirely brand new wardrobe of cozy athleisure wear because I care that much about looking and feeling cute, even if no one else is gonna see it.
> I can’t ever seem to get enough sleep. Sometimes naps aren’t enough to make up for the lost zzzs, mostly due to insomnia-causing stress thoughts that start the instant my head hits the pillow. Naps have always been my preferred form of self-care, now more than ever. After all, you can’t consciously worry when you’re asleep!

> I haven’t dined inside a restaurant since March. (And yes, I’m this paper’s food editor, for gosh sakes!) I simply don’t feel comfortable being in enclosed public spaces for long periods while COVID remains a threat. Thankfully, we’ve been ordering plenty of takeout, a welcome break from cooking that’s allowed us to continue supporting the local restaurant industry.
> I tried to start journaling to help process and document this strange time back in March, after everything went into lockdown. That lasted about eight days and I haven’t picked up the practice since. Sorry, I guess, to my 9-year-old self who religiously journaled every day.
> My emotional reliance on my cat (who relishes having her human servants home all day, every day) has grown exponentially. I worry for both of our well-beings when regular routines return because there’s going to be some serious separation anxiety.
> I barely leave the house anymore. (No, really, the last time I filled up my car with gas was mid-July.) I recently went downtown to pick up takeout, and seeing people walking around doing “normal” activities like nothing in the world was wrong struck me as what it must feel like to re-enter society after a lengthy prison sentence or trip to the International Space Station. If only we could hibernate through the rest of this garbage year and wake up on the other side… I could use a four-month nap, anyway. ♦