Inlander Burger Issue, 2018
The humble hamburger is a menu mainstay at restaurants everywhere, from the cheapest of fast-food joints to the finest of fine dining. When in doubt or indecision, a burger is a reliably safe bet. From its American beginnings at the turn of the 20th century and evolution into a sandwich staple that caters to all — carnivore to vegan — the burger is synonymous with the American diet.

For the Inlander’s first-ever Burger Issue, we set out to explore some of the region’s favorite beef patties, along with growing options for ethically, environmentally, and health-conscious eaters. And what we discovered is that the burger is nearly ubiquitous — on menus everywhere — which made narrowing down what’s featured here quite challenging.
Stories in the Burger Issue include the following:
- Five writers on their favorite (mostly) local burgers, from Durkin’s to The Elk, by Inlander staff
- Step aside beef, it’s time for these other four-legged proteins to shine, by Daniel Walters and Samantha Wohlfeil
- Local restaurants’ burger-and-beer specials bring bargains through the week, by Chey Scott
- We couldn’t review every cheap burger, but these four classics are worth your appetite, by Nathan Weinbender
- Going vegetarian or vegan doesn’t mean going without a tasty burger, by Dan Nailen
- New IncrediBurger & Eggs offers mashup of creative burgers and classic breakfast in Spokane, by Chey Scott
- Every server should be able to answer the question: What kind of fries do you have?, by Wilson Criscione
- Two local restaurants are now serving the leading brands in sustainable, beef-like patties, by Chey Scott